Blogroll Spotlight April 10, 2010

Just thought I would bring people’s attention to the swelling blogroll on the left-hand side of your page. Some cool people around those parts.

Graham Templeton just set up a personal blog for himself. Peak Opinions editor (the guy who makes me not look grammatically stunted) and all around cool person, you should take a look if you want to immediately become part of the vast, confused Right Wing Conspiracy. Or something

Same goes for one Sam F. Reynolds. His blog is very blue and this is not a Coincidence.

Gary Lim is funnier than you. Don’t be upset, it’s just the truth.

Al…good Lord, I don’t even know her last name. Embarrassing. Anyway, my friend Al runs a blog with some other entertaining chaps. Their primary focus is food and anarchy. And Star Trek. Not being intrigued right now is akin to not liking music; it just doesn’t happen.

Alex Hudson is another person that makes sure my printed word type things don’t look stupid. He keeps a music blog over at Chipped Hip that is as well written as it is designed. Read his stuff and keep up with it on Twitter @ChippityHippity.

Filmmaker, Peak Production editor and all around classy bastard Bryn Hewko also just set up his interbutt. Looking forward to having one place to go to see his stuff, which is excellent.

Blogroll emeritus member the Midnight Social Club is still going strong, and is a great location to hear and read about rad stuff going on in the Southern Alberta DJ scene. Good guys over there, good writers and SleepyHead is one sexy piece of Greek.

Check them all out, they’re all good people.